Fig. 5.
Indices of tissue density in the posterior callosal connections correlate with reading skill. (A) Scatter plot showing Basic Reading as a function of tract average NODDI ICVF, ODI, and WMTI AWF values. Insets show tract profiles for skilled vs. struggling readers for each parameter (mean +/- 1 standard error). (B) Anatomical rendering, with tracts showing significant (p < 0.05) reading related variation, after controlling for age, ICVF, ODI, or AWF highlighted in red. (C) Tract profile along the posterior callosal connections showing mean ICVF for skilled readers (WJ Basic Reading score at or above 85) and struggling readers (WJ Basic Reading score below 85). The x-axis spans the middle 60% of each tract the where it was clipped prior to analysis (corresponding to black boundary lines in the example anatomical renderings, at right). Shading represents one standard error of the mean. The locations of individual nodes showing a significant group difference in a t-test (p < 0.05) are shown along the x-axis in red (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).