Fig. 1.
Developmental Change in Inter-region Correlations. a) Average z-scored correlation matrices across all ToM and pain brain regions of interest (see y-axis) per age group (5yo: n = 16; 6yo: n = 20; 7yo: n = 26; 8-12yo: n = 123; adolescents/young adults (YA; 13–20 years): n = 53), as measured during movie-viewing. Regions are in the same order along the X-axes and Y-axes. b) Z-scored inter-region correlations (y-axis) by age (x-axis) within the ToM network (left, red), within the Pain network (middle, green), and across the ToM-Pain networks (right, blue). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).