Table 2.
Inter-region Correlation Analyses: Relationship to Functional Maturity.
IRC measured during "The Present" | Predictor | Child Full Sample (n = 185) | Child Matched Sample (n = 81) |
Functional Maturity in ToM Network | Across-ToM-Pain IRC (Movie) | b = −.17, t = −2.2, p = .03 | b = −.39, t = −2.8, p = .007 |
Within-ToM IRC (Movie) | b = .25, t = 3.4, p = .0008 | b = .10, t = .75, p = .46 | |
Age | b = .13, t = 1.8, p = .07 | b = .03, t = .28, p = .78 | |
Motion | b = −.09, t = −1.3, p = .21 | b = −.20, t = −1.9, p = .07 | |
Functional Maturity in Pain Network | Across-ToM-Pain IRC (Movie) | b = −.41, t = −5.9, p = 1.5 × 10−8 | b = −.43, t = −3.9, p = .0002 |
Within-Pain IRC (Movie) | b = .11, t = 1.6, p = .11 | b = .08, t = .74, p = .46 | |
Age | b = .13, t = 1.9, p = .06 | b = .01, t = .93, p = .36 | |
Motion | b = −.07, t = −1.0, p = .30 | b = −.05, t = −.50, p = .62 |
IRC measured at Rest | Predictor | Child Full Sample (n = 151) | Child Matched Sample (n = 81) |
Functional Maturity in ToM Network | Across-ToM-Pain IRC (Rest) | b = −.07, t = −.66, p = .51 | b = −.12, t = −.84, p = .40 |
Within-ToM IRC (Rest) | b = .10, t = .92, p = .36 | b = −.06, t = −.41, p = .68 | |
Age | b = .15, t = 1.7, p = .10 | b = .07, t = .66, p = .51 | |
Motion | b = −.13, t = −1.4, p = .16 | b = −.25, t = −2.1, p = .04 | |
Functional Maturity in Pain Network | Across-ToM-Pain IRC (Rest) | b = −.03, t = −.35, p = .73 | b = −.06, t = −.46, p = .64 |
Within-Pain IRC (Rest) | b = .07, t = .80, p = .43 | b = .11, t = .81, p = .42 | |
Age | b = .12, t = 1.4, p = .16 | b = .18, t = 1.6, p = .12 | |
Motion | b = −.18, t = −2.2, p = .03 | b = −.06, t = −.52, p = .61 |
Statistics for Regressions testing for Correlations between Inter-region Correlations and Functional Maturity. Statistics include standardized beta values, t-statistics, and p-values for each predictor included in each regression. Age is a continuous variable in all regressions. Child Matched Sample includes participants with low- and matched-amounts of motion in the movie and resting state scans; both child samples include 5–12 year old participants. Results that are significant at p < .05 are in bold font.