Figure 2.
Detection of de novo sialylated IgG glycoforms in vivo. (A) Shown is an overlay of a representative HILIC-UPLC-FLR analysis of IVIg before and 6 days after injection into μMT mice (μMT IVIg d6). (B) Depicted is an overlay of a HILIC-UPLC-FLR analysis of mouse serum IgG and IVIg 6 days post injection into μMT mice. Enlarged insets highlight additional glycan peaks (GP) that were not present in the original IVIg preparation. Schematic drawings of the most prominent sugar structures (mouse structures on top, human structures on the bottom) are assigned to the respective peaks. Legend at the bottom of the figure explains the symbols used for individual sugar structures. See also Figure S2 for additional peak information.