(A) Metabolites with moderate loadings (0.4–0.5) from Factor one and remaining metabolites from Factors two and three included Gln, GSH, Asc, Lac, PCho and GPC. The ratio of GPC/PCho is also shown. CRS induces a drop in Gln and PCho, which are both restored after LAC treatment. The GPC/PCho ratio is also lowered after LAC administration. One-way ANOVA followed by LSD Fisher post-hoc test, *p<0.05, n = 5–6 per group. (B) Correlation matrix between behavioral components and main metabolic targets of stress in the nucleus accumbens. Behavior included social interaction (SI) test, forced swim test (FST) and a composite behavior including both behaviors (Composite z-score). Each cell includes the Pearson’s correlation coefficient with the associated color scaling. (C) Scatter plot of behavioral despair and accumbal taurine. (D) Scatter plot of depressive-like behavior and accumbal GABA. *p<0.05, n = 16–18 per group.