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. 2020 Jan 20;28:7. doi: 10.1186/s12998-019-0293-4

Table 4.

Effect on cardiovascular autonomic outcomes in an RCT on spinal manipulation. Effect estimates were obtained using generalized linear mixed models

Outcomes Intercept Intervention (sham as reference) Time (covariate) Intervention × Time (sham as reference)
RRi (ms) Estimates 856 0.2 51 4
N = 41 95% CI 820.7 - 892.9 − 32.3 - 32.7 37 - 65.6 − 12.9 - 21.4
p values <  0.01 0.989 <  0.01 0.626
Log HF-HRV (ms2) Estimates 3.004 − 0.013 0.051 0.026
N = 41 95% CI 2.863 - 3.144 − 0.118 - 0.092 0.025 - 0.076 − 0.009 - 0.062
p values <  0.01 0.805 <  0.01 0.152
HF normalized unit Estimates 67.3 − 0.8 − 1.9 0.7
N = 41 95% CI 63.0 - 71.8 − 5.4 - 3.8 − 3.4 - − 0.3 − 1.0 - 2.4
p values <  0.01 0.727 0.018 0.420
Log LF-HRV (ms2) Estimates 2.636 − 0.001 0.089 0.018
N = 41 95% CI 2.518 - 2.753 − 0.095 - 0.093 0.059 - 0.117 − 0.02 - 0.056
p values <  0.01 0.984 <  0.01 0.360
Log LF/HF Estimates − 0.369 0.008 0.038 − 0.011
N = 41 95% CI − 0.466 - − 0.271 − 0.095 - 0.111 0.006 - 0.07 − 0.048 - 0.027
p values <  0.01 0.877 0.018 0.580
Log RMSSD (ms) Estimates 1.666 − 0.005 0.033 0.013
N = 41 95% CI 1.591 - 1.74 − 0.063 - 0.052 0.02 - 0.045 − 0.006 - 0.032
p values <  0.01 0.857 <  0.01 0.195
Log SDNN (ms) Estimates 1.703 0.001 0.030 0.010
N = 41 95% CI 1.648 - 1.756 − 0.04 - 0.041 0.021 - 0.038 − 0.004 - 0.024
p values <  0.01 0.962 <  0.01 0.188
SBP (mmHg) Estimates 115.6 − 0.9 1.2 − 0.7
N = 30 95% CI 110.2 - 120.9 − 6.4 - 4.5 0.06 - 2.3 − 2.2 - 0.8
p values <  0.01 0.727 0.038 0.389
DBP (mmHg) Estimates 56.7 − 0.6 1.07 − 0.9
N = 30 95% CI 53.3 - 60.1 − 3.1 - 1.9 0.3 - 1.8 − 1.7 - 0.03
p values <  0.01 0.639 <  0.01 0.059
MBP (mmHg) Estimates 72.7 − 0.8 1.02 − 0.75
N = 30 95% CI 69.2 - 76.1 − 3.7 - 2.1 0.2 - 1.7 − 1.6 - 0.1
p values <  0.01 0.579 <  0.01 0.101
LF-SBP (mm2Hg) Estimates 1.557 0.003 0.050 0.050
N = 30 95% CI 1.252 - 1.861 − 0.272 - 0.278 − 0.02 - 0.12 − 0.048 - 0.149
p values <  0.01 0.981 0.161 0.313


- Significant effects at p < 0.05 are bold faced

- For RRi there were a quadratic Time trend (Estimate: − 10. p < 0.01) and Intervention by quadratic Time trend (Estimate: − 0.2. p = 0.931) terms in the model

- For LF-SBP we used a gamma distribution with log link function


RRi intervals between normal beats; Log logarithm with base 10; HF high frequency; HF normalized unit: HF/(HF + LF) x 100; LF low frequency; RMSSD root mean square of the successive differences between normal heartbeats; SDNN standard deviation of the inter beat interval of normal sinus beats; SBP systolic blood pressure; DBP diastolic blood pressure; MBP mean blood pressure