A, Unoperated orofacial clefting in mild to severe form, left to right: unilateral subepithelial cleft lip, unilateral cleft lip and palate, bilateral cleft lip alveolus. B, Lip closure with an optimal, normal and suboptimal esthetic outcome. B left: unilateral cleft lip with well‐aligned vermillion border, normal lip length, and normal shape of nostrils. B middle: unilateral cleft lip and palate with deficient lateral vermillion and white roll malalignment. B right: bilateral cleft lip and palate after surgical closing with vermillion notching, short upper lip, and high rising nostrils. C, Left: unoperated cleft lip and palate with cleft in the alveolar ridge and anterior displacement of the premaxilla. C middle: cleft palate with excessive scarring, and fistula following surgery. C right: adult patient in profile with a hypoplastic maxilla due to scarring after cleft lip and palate closure that resulted to a class III skeletal jaw relation [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]