Probing of rpoS mRNA-CyaR interactions. (A) Probing of 5ʹ end-radiolabeled rpoS301 by lead acetate (PbAc) in the presence or absence of CyaR. OH, alkaline ladders; T1, RNase T1 ladders. The numbers to the left indicate G-nucleotide positions with respect to the +1 position relative to the rpoS transcription start site. Regions on rpoS mRNA that revealed significant increases or decreases in PbAc cleavage are indicated by bars on the right of the figure. (B) The base-pairing region between CyaR and rpoS mRNA. The C-to-G mutation at position 26 of CyaR is indicated by CyaRm, and the compensatory mutation at position +442 relative to the rpoS transcription start site in PM1409 is indicated by rpoSm. (C) Plasmids pCyaR and pCyaRm expressing CyaR and CyaRm, respectively, were introduced into strains PM1409 and PM1409m containing the compensatory mutation in rpoS. LacZ activity of each strain was measured and fold changes compared to the vector control (pHMB1) are shown. In (C), values are means ± SD; n = 3; ***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05 by Student’s t-test. rpoS, PM1409; rpoSm, PM1409m.