Figure 7.
RNase E-dependent degradation of CyaR by ArcZ. (A) MCE+ (rne+) and MCE- (rnets) cells were transformed with pArcZ. IPTG was added 4 h after a 1/100 dilution of culture (grown at 30°C), and the culture was further incubated for 15 min. Cultures were heat-shocked for 15 min at 42°C or incubated for 15 min at 30°C. Total cellular RNA was prepared from the cultures, and cellular levels of CyaR were measured by Northern blot analysis using an anti-CyaR oligonucleotide probe; 5S rRNA was detected as a loading control. (B) The rne+ and rnets cells were transformed with pCyaR. ArcZ levels were analysed as described in (A). Bar graphs show fold changes of ArcZ transcripts (ArcZf and ArcZs) compared with vector controls at 30°C.