Model predictions for releases of
Ae. aegypti mosquitoes homozygous for the split drive system (
A), a disease-refractory gene (
B), or a homing drive system in which the components of the split drive system are linked at the same locus (
C). Parameters correspond to those for the best performing split drive system (
wU6b-GDe/w+; nup50-Cas9/+) (
Supplementary file 7b). Releases are carried out in a population with an equilibrium size of 10,000 adults that exchanges migrants with a neighboring population of the same equilibrium size at a rate of 1% per mosquito per generation. Model predictions were computed using 100 realizations of the stochastic implementation of the MGDrivE simulation framework (
Sánchez et al., 2018). Weekly releases of 10,000 males homozygous for the split drive system or disease-refractory gene were carried out over a 10 week period, while a single release was carried out for the linked homing drive system. Results are plotted for female allele frequencies. Red denotes the gRNA/disease-refractory allele (
H), pink denotes the wild-type allele at this locus (W), and dark blue and green represent in-frame/cost-free and out-of-frame/costly resistant alleles (R and B). Light blue represents the allele frequency of Cas9 at the second locus for the split drive system (
C). Notably, the H allele reaches a frequency of ~30% in the neighboring population for the split drive releases, before being eliminated by virtue of a fitness cost. At the release site, the Cas9 allele is reduced to a population frequency of ~10% within four years of the final release, leading to a progressive decline of the gRNA/refractory allele in both populations. Reversibility can be accelerated through dilution of transgenes by releases of wild-type males.