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. 2020 Jan 15;10:906. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00906

Table 2.

Summary of studies on reproductive hormone levels in boys with cryptorchidism and men with a history of cryptorchidism in childhood*.

First authors Study design
Country of investigation
Study subjects (n)
Age at hormone measurements, hormonal tests Comparisons Hormone results
At birth
Bay et al. (50) Prospective study
Finland and Denmark
3 groups of boys
 - transient cryptorchidism (cryptorchidism <3 months of age)
 - Persistent cryptorchidism (cryptorchidism persisted > 3 months of age)
 - Controls
 - 21 transient cryptorchidism
 - 20 persistent cryptorchidism
 - 20 controls
 - 11 transient cryptorchidism
 - 1 persistent cryptorchidism
 - 26 controls
At birth Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Cord blood INSL3 level in Finnish boys with cryptorchidism was significantly lower than in controls. (non-significant difference in Danish boys)
Fénichel et al. (157) Prospective case-control study
26 boys with transient cryptorchidism
26 boys with persistent cryptorchidism
128 controls
At birth Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Cord blood INSL3 level in cryptorchid boys was significantly lower than in controls.
LH, T, hCG, AMH, inhibin B, and SHBG levels: not different
Gendrel et al. (158) Longitudinal study
Every month from the age of 1 to 4 months Cryptorchidism with spontaneous testicular descent vs. persistent cryptorchidism Plasma FSH was not different between 2 groups.
57 term cryptorchid boys
 - 35 unilateral cryptorchidism
 - 22 bilateral cryptorchidism
Cryptorchid boys classified into two groups:
-Spontaneous testicular descent
-Persistent cryptorchidism > 6 months
Plasma LH and T levels were significantly lower in persistently cryptorchid boys.
Baker et al. (159) Case-control study
United Kingdom
Cases: 21 boys born preterm (mean gestational age of 30 weeks)
 - 11 boys with unilateral cryptorchidism
 - 10 boys with bilateral cryptorchidism
Controls: 21 boys matched for gestational age, birthweight, duration of ventilation assistance and duration of phototherapy
Mean age of blood sampling
-2 days
5 days
weekly until hospital discharge (mean age of 67 days)
Only plasma T levels were measured.
Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys At 2 days and after 6 weeks: Cryptorchid boys had significantly lower plasma T levels than controls.
De Muinck Keizer-Schrama et al. (160) Longitudinal study
The Netherlands
Three groups of boys, aged <1 y:
Cryptorchidism persisted > 1 y (n = 29) (untreated)
Spontaneous descent within 1 y (n = 19)
Controls (n = 160)
At 3, 6, 12 months: Basal and peak LHRH-stimulated serum LH and FSH Basal T
At 12 months: Basal and post-hCG stimulation: T, DHT, and T precursors
Persistent vs. transient cryptorchidism vs. controls Basal, peak LHRH-stimulated LH and FSH levels were not different between three groups, except basal serum LH in group 2 was higher than that of group 3.
Basal and peak LHRH-stimulated serum LH and FSH levels had similar changes over time.
Basal and post-hCG stimulated serum levels of DHT and T precursors were not different between three groups.
Hamza et al. (161) Longitudinal study
France and Egypt
84 boys with cryptorchidism (42 unilateral and 42 bilateral)
No controls
1-year follow-up
Blood hormone levels at the age of
2–5 days
3 months
6 months
Unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism Blood FSH, LH, T levels of unilateral and bilateral cases were not different.
Cryptorchidism with spontaneous testicular descent vs. permanent cryptorchidism Boys with spontaneous testicular descent showed peak levels of LH and T at 2–3 months of age. FSH levels did not show the peak.
Boys with permanent cryptorchidism: very low FSH, LH and T levels during study
Raivio et al. (162) Cross-sectional study
Cryptorchid and non-cryptorchid boys (total n = 80)
At 3 months Testis located at scrotal or high scrotal position vs. higher position or non-palpable Testicular location of all boys with detectable serum androgen bioactivity was at scrotal or high scrotal position (n = 26). All boys with testis located at suprascrotal, or inguinal position or testes were non-palpable (n = 16) had undetectable serum androgen bioactivity.
Boys with testis located in scrotal or high scrotal position (n = 23) had significantly higher serum T levels than those with higher testicular location or testes were non-palpable (n = 11).
Barthold et al. (163) Case-control study
20 boys with non-syndromic cryptorchidism (15 unilateral cryptorchidism)
26 non-cryptorchid boys
Plasma levels: 2 months of age
Urine samples: every month from the age of 7 days to 4 months
Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys No difference between the groups in the hormone levels in plasma levels of FSH, LH, total T, FAI, inhibin-B, estradiol, and SHBG or urinary levels of FSH, LH, T, and estradiol.
Suomi et al. (49) Prospective cohort study
Finland and Denmark
 - 88 cryptorchid boys
 - 300 non-cryptorchid boys
 - 34 cryptorchid boys
 - 399 non-cryptorchid boys
At 3 months Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Finnish boys• Cryptorchid boys had significantly higher FSH, LH levels, FSH/inhibin B ratio and lower inhibin B levels. • T levels of the two groups were not different. Danish boys• Cryptorchid boys had significantly higher FSH level than non-cryptorchid boys.
Other hormones were similar between the two groups.
Bay et al. (50) Prospective study
Finland and Denmark
Finnish boys
 - 28 transient cryptorchidism
 - 51 persistent cryptorchidism
 - 100 controls
Danish boys
 - 26 transient cryptorchidism
 - 11 persistent cryptorchidism
 - 51 controls
At 3 months Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Both countries:
Serum INSL3, LH, T levels between cryptorchid cases and controls were not different.
Serum LH/INSL3 was significantly higher in persistently cryptorchid boys than that of controls.
Serum LH/T ratio was significantly higher in persistently cryptorchid boys than that of controls (only among Finnish boys).
Serum levels of INSL3, LH, and T, and LH/INSL3 and LH/T ratios between transiently cryptorchid boys and persistently cryptorchid boys were not different.
Pierik et al. (164) Case-control study
The Netherlands
43 boys with cryptorchidism
113 controls
At 1–6 months Cryptorchid vs. controls Serum FSH, inhibin B, and AMH levels: not different between the 2 groups.
Cryptorchid cases had significantly lower T and NSBT levels.
Gendrel et al. (165) Cross-sectional study
154 boys who had history of
 - Unilateral cryptorchidism (n = 64) or
 - Bilateral cryptorchidism (n = 90)
46 controls
1 month−15 y LHRH test
Cryptorchid boys vs. control levels
Peak LH levels in boys with history of cryptorchidism were significantly lower than controls (from infancy to early pubertal stage).
FSH levels of boys with history of cryptorchidism and controls: no difference
hCG stimulation test Basal plasma T levels: no difference between cases and controls
Peaked T levels: blunted in boys with a history of cryptorchidism from the age of 1 year until mid-puberty
De Muinck Keizer-Schrama et al. (160) Described above
Longui et al. (166) Cross-sectional study
Boys with a history of cryptorchidism, aged below 4 y (n = 11)
Boys with a hypospadias (used as controls) (n = 8)
mean age: 2.2 y Boys with a history of cryptorchidism vs. controls Basal LH and T concentrations were not different between the 2 groups
Boys with a history of cryptorchidism had significantly lower basal inhibin and higher FSH levels than controls.
After hCG plus human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) treatment, the inhibin-to-FSH ratio was significantly lower in boys with a history of cryptorchidism.
Christiansen et al. (167) Cross-sectional study
62 boys with untreated cryptorchidism
(45 unilateral and 17 bilateral cryptorchidism)
156 healthy, prepubertal boys
Median age 7.7 y, ranged from 4.1 to 13.6 y Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Basal inhibin B, T, FSH, and LH levels between cryptorchid cases and healthy controls: no difference
Unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism Basal levels of inhibin B, T, FSH, and LH between boys with unilateral and bilateral cryptorchidism: no difference
Hormone levels of cryptorchid boys after 3-week hCG injection (n = 18) After hCG treatment in cryptorchid boys, T increased into the adult range and FSH and LH were suppressed.
Iwatsuki et al. (168) Cross-sectional study
Four groups of boys:
Surgical treatment for unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism (n = 23)
Hypospadias (n = 49)
Cryptorchidism and hypospadias (n = 10)
Hydrocele (n = 7)
At age:
<12.5 y
12.5 to 13.5 y
> 13.5 y and by Tanner stages
Compare four groups of boys FSH levels in boys with both cryptorchidism and hypospadias was significantly higher than those of the other groups at ages 12.5–13.5 and >13.5 y, and during Tanner stages II and III.
LH and T levels were not different among the groups.
Komarowska et al. (169) Cross-sectional study
Boys with unilateral cryptorchidism (n = 105)
Boys with inguinal hernia (controls) (n = 58)
Age 1–4 y Boys with unilateral cryptorchidism vs. non-cryptorchid boys Serum AMH, INSL3, and inhibin B of the two groups were not different.
Hamdi et al. (170) Cross-sectional study
Cases: boys operated for cryptorchidism (n = 27)
controls (n = 27)
Age range: 14–32 months
Mean age
Cases: boys operated for cryptorchidism: 26.6 months
Control group: 24.4 months
Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Serum inhibin B, AMH and testosterone levels of the boys operated for cryptorchidism were significantly lower than that of non-cryptorchid boys.
(T levels were detectable in 10 cases and 10 controls.)
Grinspon et al. (171) Retrospective, cross-sectional study
Cryptorchid group
Untreated bilateral cryptorchidism (n = 186)
Untreated unilateral cryptorchidism (n = 124)
Apparently normal boys (controls) (n = 179)
Median age 3 y (range 0.03–13.6 y) Cryptorchid vs. non-cryptorchid boys Median AMH standard deviation score (for age of normal boys) in the cryptorchid group was below 0.
Unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism vs. controls in each age group
- 1–5.9 months
- 6 months−1.9 y
- 2–8.9 y
- ≥9 y
Serum AMH level of boys with bilateral cryptorchidism was significantly lower than that of the unilateral cryptorchidism and control groups between the age of 6 months to 1.9 y and between 2 to 8.9 y.
Serum FSH and LH levels were not different between the three groups at any ages.
Gendrel et al. (165) Described in the pre-pubertal section
Dickerman et al. (172) Longitudinal study
106 boys with cryptorchidism
 - unilateral (n = 77)
 - bilateral (n = 29)
Follow-up at least two times per year from the age of 5–14 y (Mean age 11.6 y)
Plasma FSH and LH levels before and after LHRH test
Plasma T level before and after hCG stimulation test
The hormone levels were compared with normal range.
LHRH test: Unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism vs. range for normal boys for chronological age at various pubertal stages according to data from previous studies  - Basal FSH level in boys with unilateral cryptorchidism during prepuberty and bilateral cryptorchidism at mid-puberty and full puberty: higher than normal reference range.
 - Basal LH in boys with bilateral cryptorchidism: higher than normal reference range.
 - Post LHRH test, FSH level in cryptorchid boys: higher than normal reference range.
 - Post LHRH test, LH level: higher than normal range in boys with unilateral cryptorchidism at prepuberty and at mid-puberty.
hCG stimulation test: unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism vs. range for normal boys for chronological age at various pubertal stages  - At the start of puberty: Unilateral cryptorchidid boys: basal and post-hCG stimulated T levels were higher than normal reference range.
 - At mid-puberty: basal T level in bilateral cryptorchidism group, aged 14–16 y, was lower than normal reference range.
 - At the end of puberty: basal T level in unilateral group was lower than normal reference range. T level after hCG stimulation was lower than normal reference range in cryptorchid boys.
Lee and Coughlin (4) Cohort study
Men with a history of bilateral cryptorchidism (n = 8)
Men with a history of unilateral cryptorchidism (n = 109)
Control men (n = 53)
Adult age Unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism vs. controls Men with a history of bilateral cryptorchidism had significantly lower inhibin B, significantly higher FSH and LH levels than men with a history of unilateral cryptorchidism and control men.
Brazao et al. (173) Retrospective case-control study
The Netherlands
Group1: subfertile men with orchiopexy in childhood (n = 64, including 32 unilateral and 32 bilateral cryptorchidism)
Group 2: non-cryptorchid subfertile men (n = 128)
Group 3: fertile men (n = 32)
Median age:
Group 1: 31 y
Group 2: 33 y
Group 3: 32 y
Subfertile men with orchiopexy in childhood vs. non-cryptorchid subfertile men vs. fertile men Inhibin B levels of men in group 1 were significantly lower than those of men in group 2 and 3
FSH and LH levels in group 1 were significantly higher than those of group 2 and 3
FAI: no difference
Andersson et al. (174) Cross-sectional
357 infertile men, including 72 men with a history of cryptorchidism (median age: 33 y)
318 fertile men, including 42 men with a history of cryptorchidism (median age: 30 y)
Self-reported data
Adult age Fertile vs. infertile men Among both fertile and infertile men, history of cryptorchidism was associated with decreased serum inhibin B levels.
Among infertile men, history of cryptorchidism was associated with higher LH level, lower T/LH ratio and lower estradiol level.
Rohayem et al. (175) Retrospective case-control study
Men with a history of cryptorchidism with or without treatment (222 unilateral and 135 bilateral cryptorchidism)
Men with no history of cryptorchidism and had normozoospermia and normal testicular size at adult age (n = 709)
Age: 16–58 y
Mean age:
Previous unilateral cryptorchidism: 34 y
Previous bilateral cryptorchidism: 33 y
Control men: 35 y
Men with vs. without a history of cryptorchidism Mean FSH and LH levels: significantly higher in men with a history of cryptorchidism
Mean total and free T levels: significantly lower in men with a history of cryptorchidism
Estradiol: no difference
Men with history of unilateral vs. bilateral cryptorchidism Men with a history of bilateral cryptorchidism: significantly higher mean FSH and LH levels
Mean total and free T, estradiol levels: no difference

Some studies included subjects at different periods of life. The studies are described in the section, in which the main results are reported.

DHT, dihydrotestosterone; FAI, free androgen index; T, testosterone; y, year.