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. 2020 Jan 15;10:2929. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02929


Number and distribution of SSRs in whole genome of two isolates of U. hordei.

Parameter/isolate Uh364 Uh4857-4
NCBI BioProject No. PRJNA395628 PRJEA79049
NCBI GenBank assembly accession GCA_003012045.1 GCA_000286035.1
Whole Genome Release date 20.03.2018 20.12.2013
Total size covered by examined sequences (Mb) 20.13 26.94
Number of SSR identified 100,239 137,442
Perfect SSRs 72,865 98,613
Imperfect SSRs 21,633 31,665
Compound SSRs 5741 7164
Total length of SSRs 1,655,993 2,294,817
Relative density (bp per Mb) 82,253.64 85,178.03
Relative abundance (SSR per Mb) 5125.14 5246.27