Number and distribution of SSRs in whole genome of two isolates of U. hordei.
Parameter/isolate | Uh364 | Uh4857-4 |
NCBI BioProject No. | PRJNA395628 | PRJEA79049 |
NCBI GenBank assembly accession | GCA_003012045.1 | GCA_000286035.1 |
Whole Genome Release date | 20.03.2018 | 20.12.2013 |
Total size covered by examined sequences (Mb) | 20.13 | 26.94 |
Number of SSR identified | 100,239 | 137,442 |
Perfect SSRs | 72,865 | 98,613 |
Imperfect SSRs | 21,633 | 31,665 |
Compound SSRs | 5741 | 7164 |
Total length of SSRs | 1,655,993 | 2,294,817 |
Relative density (bp per Mb) | 82,253.64 | 85,178.03 |
Relative abundance (SSR per Mb) | 5125.14 | 5246.27 |