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. 2020 Jan 15;7:407. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00407

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Power-interest grid of stakeholders engaged in the integration of mHealth. AD, advocacy groups; AL, alliances; CHF, consumer health forum; CoGP, college of GPs; CPH, council of public health; D, mHealth developer/provider; DMT, directorate medicine and medical technology; F, family and caregivers; GP, general practitioner; GPA, national GP association; GPGr, GP practice groups; HCO, home care organization; HM, healthcare manager; HI, healthcare inspectorate; HIS, GP information system suppliers; I, health insurer; M, primary care manager; MPH, municipal health services; MS, medical specialist; N, primary care nurse; NET, local networks; NIC, expert organization eHealth (NICTIZ); OHW, office health and well-being (municipality); P, patient; PA, patient association; PCG, primary care group; PCNET, primary care networks; PHA, pharmaceutical industry; PIH, program innovation & health care (MoH); PM, policymaker; PSG, patient support group; PUB, public; R, researcher; RI, research institute; USA, GP information system user association.