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. 2019 Dec 30;16(1):37–45. doi: 10.3988/jcn.2020.16.1.37

Table 4. Significant correlations between a decreased SWJ velocity/amplitude ratio and areas with reduced brain volumes in PSP and PD patients.

SWJ recording condition Side Area MNI Cluster size t
x y z
PSP Target on Left Inferior temporal gyrus −38 −5 −42 243 15.71
Right Superior parietal gyrus 21 −56 72 21 10.26
Left Fusiform gyrus −42 −54 −8 16 9.26
Left Precuneus −14 −71 54 24 9.00
Left Middle temporal gyrus −57 −56 18 23 8.79
Right Cuneus 5 −83 27 31 8.56
Left Precentral gyrus −50 −5 23 25 7.94
Target off Right Middle occipital gyrus 39 −74 2 17 8.99
Left Middle frontal gyrus −29 44 23 18 8.09
Right Superior medial frontal gyrus/superior frontal gyrus 15 66 9 17 7.12
PD Target on Right Cuneus 9 −75 30 101 11.00
Left Rolandic operculum −57 8 0 37 8.54
Right Inferior frontal operculum 47 3 26 89 8.52
Right Superior medial frontal gyrus/anterior cingulate gyrus 8 54 9 70 7.34
Right Inferior temporal gyrus 48 −62 −12 29 6.84
Right Inferior operculum frontal/Rolandic operculum 51 6 11 59 6.67
Target off Right Lingual gyrus/calcarine/inferior-middle-superior occipital gyrus 9 −96 −5 889 12.34
Right Middle occipital gyrus 45 −77 9 38 7.12
Left Cuneus −9 −78 36 48 7.07
Left Inferior occipital gyrus −18 −92 −9 26 6.21


MNI: coordinates according to the Montreal Neurological Institute brain atlas, PD: Parkinson's disease, PSP: progressive supranuclear palsy, SWJ: square-wave jerk.