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. 2019 Dec;48(12):2187–2195.

Table 4:

PMG estimation results

Dependent variable Patients Coefficient Std. Err. t-statistic Prob
Long run estimation
Patients −2.4807 0.0955 −2.60*** 0.009
Pop 0.0094 0.0034 2.79*** 0.005
Temp 0.3107 0.1659 1.87* 0.061
Dlgdp 1.8186 1.9105 0.95 0.341
Led −1.9991 0.4073 −4.91*** 0.000
Short run estimation—full sample
ECT −0.7552 0.1593 −4.74*** 0.000
Pop −0.1128 0.8186 −0.14 0.890
Temp 0.1017 0.2091 0.49 0.627
Dlgdp 3.2642 4.4032 0.74 0.458
Led 0.1712 1.8963 0.09 0.928

Note: The statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% is denoted by ***, **, * respectively