Table 1.
Centroid Coordinates, Size (Number of Voxels), and Cluster Criterion for each of the 6 EEG AOIs.
EEG ROI | Centroid MNI Coordinates | Size of ROI (# of voxels) | Cluster Criterion (# of voxels) |
DMPFC | 5, 55, 30 | 109 | 12 |
RTPJ | 55, -55, 25 | 115 | 16 |
LTPJ | −50, -55, 30 | 125 | 15 |
PC | −5, -50, 40 | 179 | 30 |
MMPFC | 0, 55, 10 | 134 | 18 |
VMPFC | 5, 55, -10 | 134 | 18 |
Note. Cluster criterion indicates the minimum number of contiguous voxels (each significant at p < .05) needed within a given ROI to reach a family-wise alpha of .05.