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. 2020 Jan 21;19:36. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-3117-z

Table 2.

Background characteristics of study population according to malaria status

Background characteristics Study number, N = 10,891 Malaria prevalence rate (%) 5.45 2 (P)
Sex < 0.001*
 Boy 2139 8.22
 Girl 2092 7.45
 Women 6660 3.93
Age groups < 0.001*
 < 1 1162 4.99
 1 784 10.20
 2 830 7.46
 3 689 8.56
 4 766 9.53
 14–29 3793 4.56
 30–39 1800 3.0
 40–49 1067 3.28
Residence < 0.001*
 Urban 2593 2.04
 Rural 8298 6.51
Province < 0.001*
 Kigali 1402 1.21
 Southern 2800 7.85
 Western 2473 2.66
 Northern 1687 0.59
 Eastern 2529 11.11
Wealth quintile < 0.001*
 Very low 2330 8.92
 Low 2146 6.80
 Middle 1980 5.90
 Higher 1896 4.53
 Highest 2539 1.45
Altitude < 0.001*
 < 1700 6303 7.85
 > 1700 4588 2.15
Educational level < 0.001*
 No education 4873 7.24
 Primary 4302 4.60
 Secondary & more 1688 2.36
 Missing 28
Slept under mosquito net < 0.001*
 Yes 7217 4.49
 No 3674 6.42
Season 0.3031
 Dry 6935 5.27
 Rainy 3956 5.76

2 (P): Chi Squared P value

*Index of statistically significant values for P < 0.05