Fig 3.
Typical MR imaging findings in an 11-year-old girl with AGU. A, Sagittal T1WI shows a relatively thin corpus callosum and a pineal cyst. B, Axial T2WI with typical hypointensity in the thalami and especially in the pulvinar nuclei. C, Axial T2WI shows hyperintensity in the white matter, poor differentiation between gray and white matter especially in frontal lobe, and some mildly dilated perivascular spaces. D, Axial FLAIR image also shows the hypointensity in the pulvinar nuclei and hyperintensity in the white matter. E and F, Axial SWI with hypointensity in the pulvinar and medial and anterior nuclei in the thalami. G–I, Axial DWI and ADC images show no signs of restricted diffusion.