Fig 1.
Axial (A and B) and coronal (C and D) T2-weighted 1.5T (A and C) and 7T (B and D) images in a patient with a giant pituitary macroadenoma. C and D, Magnified approximately 250% compared with A and B. Although lesion margins are conspicuous at 1.5T, the 7T image provides a better definition of the internal architecture, including intrinsic adenoma vasculature (white arrowheads in B, C, and D). Both strengths show a nodule of slightly lower signal posterolaterally (arrows in A and B), but internal architecture is again better seen at 7T. Coronal MIP projection of a 7T time-of-flight MRA in the same patient (E) shows striate artery displacement (double arrowheads), as well as a recruited posterior circulation supply inferiorly (double-headed arrow) and additional vessels arising from the anterior cerebral artery superiorly (arrowheads).