a) Multi-turnover ubiquitylation reactions were assembled in the presence of constant amounts of SCF
FBW7 and
32P-labeled Cyclin E peptide and increasing amounts of ARIH1 protein in combination with saturating UBE2L3. Each lane represents a single ubiquitylation reaction used to calculate the reaction velocities. (
b) Same as in (
a), except with β-Catenin peptide substrate and SCF
βTRCP. (
c) Same as in (
a), except with UBE2D3 protein. (
d) Same as in (
b), except with UBE2D3. (
e) Same as in (
a), except with UBE2R2 protein and mono-ubiquitylated cyclin E peptide. (
f) Same as in (
b), except with UBE2R2 and mono-ubiquitylated β-Catenin peptide. S0 represents unmodified substrate, S1 represents substrate modified with one ubiquitin, etc. The data are representative of duplicate technical replicates used to estimate
Km. The enzyme concentrations have been provided in
Supplementary file 2.