A| The schematic of an antiparallel Holliday junction forming a
double crossover between two adjacent helices in a honeycomb DNA origami
six-helix bundle. Note, how the nucleobases at the crossover position
(highlighted in red and cyan in the left crossover) still maintain their natural
angle for duplex formation. B| The honeycomb (left), square
(middle), and hexagonal (right) helical packings are the most common helical
arrangements. The crossovers were deleted in the hexagonal packing due to
multiple possible segment lengths and scaffold routings. C|
Curvature design through base pair deletion or insertion. Ca| The
base deletion (in orange) with a segment size smaller than 7 bp in the honeycomb
arrangement causes a left-handed twist whereas a base insertion (in blue)
results in a right-handed twist. Calculated combination of these two types of
twists can be used to create curvature without causing marked global
deformation. Ca| Negative-stain transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) micrographs of two curved half-circles origami monomers and their
six-tooth gear dimer (scale bar 20 nm)43. D| Fractal assembly. Da| The
strand map of the origami tile used for fractal assembly. The staples are shown
in blue, green, and yellow and the scaffold in black. Db| Fractal
assembly of DNA origami tiles using edge loops and 2-nucleotide staple
hybridization. The Mona Lisa’s pattern could be printed by adding
double-stranded extensions to the selected staples on the surfaces of the
Dc| Atomic force microscopy confirmed the correct assembly of
the tiles. E| Click contacts. Association of shape-complementary
surface features can be driven by base stacking57.
Panel D adapted from REF. 55, with permission from Springer Nature.