Fig. 5. Structures of glycine/UBP791 complexed to GluN1–GluN2A (WT) and GluN1–GluN2A-4m LBD.
a Overall structure of the GluN1–GluN2A LBD complexed to glycine (orange spheres) and UBP791 (cyan spheres) colored as in Fig. 1. Shown in mesh below is the Fo − Fc omit map of UBP791 contoured at 3σ. b, c The binding site of UBP791 (cyan sticks) showing polar (dashed lines) and hydrophobic interactions. GluN2A-Lys738 and -Glu714 form a hydrogen bond whereas GluN2A-Arg741 and –Thr797 form a water-mediated hydrogen bond. d Overall structure of the GluN1–GluN2A-4m LBD complexed to glycine (orange spheres) and UBP791 (cyan spheres). Note that the Fo − Fc omit map of UBP791 contoured at 3σ (green mesh) here is more ordered and continuous compared with that in the GluN1–GluN2A LBD in a. e The binding site of UBP791 (cyan sticks) showing similar polar (dashed lines) and hydrophobic interactions with the piperazine and phenanthrene moieties to those in the GluN1–GluN2A LBD in a. f In contrast to the GluN1–GluN2A LBD, GluN2A-4m-Met738 forms sulfur-aromatic interactions with the ligand and Tyr737, while GluN2A-4m-Lys741 forms a hydrogen bond with the carboxyethyl group of UBP791.