Genotype distribution profile of the offspring at the weaned stage by mating HDL-deficient mutant mice under feeding of standard MF breeding chow
A. Abca1+/− female were crossed to Abca1−/− male. B. Natural mating of Abca1+/− parents. C. Natural mating between Lcat+/− female and Lcat−/− male. D. Mating between Lcat+/− mice. Numbers and genders of the offspring were recorded at 3 weeks old. Solid columns indicate female and open columns indicate male. Single and double asterisks indicate deflection from Mendelian distribution of total number of pups by p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively, by Chi-square analysis. # indicates deflection by p = 0.059 and p = 0.013 from Mendelian distribution of total number of pups and that standardized for the heterozygote, respectively.