EDNRB transcripts and candidate causative mutation for the two‐end‐black coat color phenotype in pigs. (a) EDNRB transcripts in the skin of Bamaxiang and Jinhua pigs. RNA sequencing reads are aligned to the genomic sequence of EDNRB in the pig reference genome. The orange shaded region denotes alternative transcripts between Bamaxiang and Jinhua pigs. BMX_BL, Bamaxiang black skin; BMX_WH, Bamaxiang white skin; JH_BL, Jinhua black skin; JH_WH, Jinhua white skin (b) Whole‐length isoform transcripts in the skin of Bamaxiang (BMX), Jinhua (JH) and DLY pigs revealed by Iso‐seq. (c) RT‐PCR and RT‐qPCR of EDNRB transcripts in the skin of Bamaxiang (BMX) and Jinhua (JH) pigs. RT‐qPCR result is shown in the right panel and the y‐axis represents relative expression level (alternative splicing/reference). (d) Schematic diagram of EDNRB transcripts and their encoded protein. The DNA sequences (chromosome 11:50,076,938–50,076,994 bp) in the reference genome and Bamaxiang pigs are shown in the upper panel. The normal and alternative transcripts and their encoded proteins of EDNRB are shown in the middle and lower panels, respectively. The capital and lowercase represent exonic and intronic regions, respectively. The orange arrow indicates transcription direction (top). The red triangle or underline indicates the 11‐bp Indel that causes premature stop codon of the EDNRB alternative transcript in Bamaxiang pigs. (e) Predicted three‐dimensional protein structures of EDNRB encoded by the normal (left) and alternative (right) transcripts. (f) Allele frequencies of the 11‐bp deletion, the candidate causative mutation in the EDNRB gene (chromosome 11: 50,076,945–50,076,960 bp), in global pig breeds and wild boars. 1, three Chinese two‐end‐black breeds including Bamaxiang, Luchuan, and Pingxiang pigs