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. 2020 Jan 22;19:9. doi: 10.1186/s12940-020-0562-7

Table 2.

Association of individual habits and characteristics with β-HCH haematic concentration (ng/g lipid)

N % GMRa p-value 95%CI
 M 310 51.5 1.00
 F 292 48.5 1.32 0.000 1.14 1.53
Age class (years)
 0–18 66 11.0 1.00
 19–29 60 10.0 2.01 0.000 1.37 2.94
 30–39 86 14.3 2.08 0.000 1.44 3.01
 40–49 133 22.1 3.32 0.000 2.35 4.70
 50–59 96 15.9 4.80 0.000 3.30 6.97
 60–69 110 18.3 5.83 0.000 3.87 8.76
 > =70 51 8.5 10.0 0.000 6.65 15.1
 Normal/underweight 200 33.2 1.00
 Overweight 214 35.5 1.29 0.019 1.04 1.61
 Obese 188 31.2 1.63 0.000 1.28 2.08
Breast feeding (if occurred in the last 15 years, limited to women aged between 19 and 59 yrs)
 No 541 89.9 1.00
 Yes 61 10.1 0.64 0.004 0.47 0.86
Eating local/own production food
 No 144 23.9 1.00
 Yes 458 76.1 1.47 0.002 1.15 1.88
Drinking water from private wells
 No 545 90.5 1.00
 Yes 57 9.5 1.47 0.048 1.00 2.14
Washing with water from private wells
 No 308 51.2 1.00
 Yes 294 48.8 1.48 0.001 1.17 1.87

aGMR Geometric mean ratio

bBMI categorization:

Normal/underweight: < 25 kg/sm

Overweight: 25–29 kg/sm

Obese: > = 30 kg/sm

Standard errors were corrected to account for correlation between subjects nested in families (sandwich estimators)