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. 2020 Jan 11;12(1):912–930. doi: 10.18632/aging.102665

Table 2. Correlation analysis between PRPF3 and markers of activated T cells.

Activated CD8 T cell None Purity Activated CD4 T cell None Purity
Cor P Cor P Cor P Cor P
ADRM1 0.0434 4.17E-01 0.0510 3.42E-01 AIM2 0.0519 3.32E-01 0.1657 1.86E-03*
AHSA1 0.0464 3.86E-01 0.0498 3.53E-01 BIRC3 0.1174 2.78E-02* 0.1768 8.95E-04
C1GALT1C1 -0.0042 9.38E-01 0.0134 8.03E-01 BRIP1 0.1941 2.54E-04* 0.1915 3.13E-04*
CCT6B -0.2883 3.82E-08* -0.3117 2.53E-09* CCL20 0.1877 4.06E-04* 0.2190 3.59E-05*
CD37 -0.0824 1.23E-01 0.0095 8.60E-01 CCL4 -0.1020 5.61E-02 -0.0259 6.29E-01
CD3D 0.0226 6.73E-01 0.1133 3.41E-02* CCL5 -0.1204 2.41E-02* -0.0516 3.35E-01
CD3E -0.0931 8.14E-02 -0.0112 8.35E-01 CCNB1 0.365 1.67E-12* 0.3762 3.31E-13*
CD3G -0.0688 1.99E-01 0.0126 8.14E-01 CCR7 -0.0941 7.82E-02 -0.0267 6.19E-01
CD69 -0.1511 4.56E-03* -0.0892 9.56E-02 DUSP2 -0.0274 6.08E-01 0.043 4.23E-01
CD8A -0.0993 6.32E-02 -0.0288 5.91E-01 ESCO2 0.3049 5.53E-09* 0.3218 7.13E-10*
CETN3 0.0194 7.17E-01 0.0206 7.01E-01 ETS1 -0.2332 1.02E-05* -0.1945 2.52E-04*
CSE1L 0.2510 1.91E-06* 0.2442 3.78E-06* EXO1 0.4795 1.41E-21* 0.4902 1.48E-22*
GEMIN6 0.0557 2.98E-01 0.0379 4.80E-01 EXOC6 0.2337 9.66E-06* 0.2355 8.47E-06*
GNLY -0.0378 4.80E-01 -0.0003 9.95E-01 IARS 0.2431 4.09E-06* 0.2496 2.26E-06*
GPT2 -0.2661 4.22E-07* -0.2872 4.52E-08* ITK -0.1523 4.23E-03* -0.0884 9.87E-02
GZMA -0.1467 5.90E-03* -0.0849 1.13E-01 KIF11 0.4089 1.39E-15* 0.4189 2.64E-16*
GZMH -0.1656 1.85E-03* -0.1192 2.57E-02* KNTC1 0.4255 7.19E-17* 0.4308 3.02E-17*
GZMK -0.1558 3.44E-03* -0.0950 7.60E-02 NUF2 0.5126 6.60E-25* 0.5176 2.25E-25*
IL2RB -0.1291 1.55E-02* -0.0558 2.98E-01 PRC1 0.3915 2.66E-14* 0.3994 7.75E-15*
LCK -0.0842 1.15E-01 0.0036 9.47E-01 PSAT1 -0.0417 4.37E-01 -0.0360 5.02E-01
MPZL1 0.3774 2.51E-13* 0.4119 9.18E-16* RGS1 0.0037 9.45E-01 0.0929 8.27E-02
NKG7 -0.1198 2.47E-02* -0.0651 2.25E-01 RTKN2 0.3646 1.79E-12* 0.3849 8.36E-14*
PIK3IP1 -0.1298 1.49E-02* -0.0972 6.93E-02 SAMSN1 -0.1064 4.64E-02* -0.0189 7.25E-01
PTRH2 0.1665 1.74E-03* 0.1594 2.78E-03* SELL -0.0732 1.71E-01 -0.0034 9.50E-01
TIMM13 -0.0588 2.72E-01 -0.0703 1.89E-01 TRAT1 -0.1266 1.77E-02* -0.0603 2.60E-01
ZAP70 -0.0428 4.24E-01 0.0398 4.58E-01

Cor, R value of Spearman’s correlation; None, correlation without adjustment. Purity, correlation adjusted by purity. * p < 0.05.