Fig. 2. Near-field-enabled clothing design and characterisation.
a Photograph of near-field-enabled long-sleeved shirt comprised of a network with a single hub and eight terminals. b Configuration of the near-field relay when interconnecting a wireless reader with a sensor node. c Circuit model of the relay system in b. d Power transfer efficiency η as a function of relay length l. The geometrical parameters are r = 1.7 cm, N = 10, g = 0.1 cm, h = 1 cm, and w = 0 cm. e Normalised magnetic field amplitude ∣Habs∣ above relays with straight and serpentine interconnects. f Magnetic field generated by designs (1) partial circular (7.2 cm diameter), (2) rectangular (10 cm length, 4 cm width) and (3) filled circular (10 cm diameter, 70% area filling ratio). Designs (1) and (2) have a area filling ratio of ~38%. g Magnetic field profiles along the dashed white lines in f. h Magnetic field above relays with multiple terminals connected in parallel. l = 30 cm between the hub and each terminal. i Power transfer efficiency η as a function of the total number of terminals connected either in parallel or in series. Error bars show mean ± s.d. (n = number of terminals).