Figure 10.
Schematic representation for the calculation of the centre of rotation and its translation on the helical axis. The centre of mass of the talus in (a) neutral, (b) inversion and (c) eversion positions was computed based on the grey-intensity value of the PedCAT images. (d) A sphere-fitting approach was used to define the parameters of a sphere (purple) with centre on the helical axis (dashed line) and with the centre of mass of the talus in the rotated configurations (orange and yellow dots) on its surface. The centre of rotation of the talus relative to the calcaneus was determined as the centre of such sphere (purple dot). (e) The distances from the centre of rotation (CoR) to the centre of mass of the talus in neutral (Rn), inversion (Ri) and eversion (Re = Ri) positions were computed. (f) The translation of the centre of rotation (i.e. shift) was defined as the difference between such distances (Shift = Rn − Rn′).