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. 2020 Jan 24;98(1):skz375. doi: 10.1093/jas/skz375

Table 8.

ATTD of DM and GE and concentrations of DE and ME in corn, torula yeast, and fish meal1

Item Corn Torula yeast Fish meal SEM P-value
ATTD of DM, % 90.6a 90.0a 82.2b 1.28 <0.001
ATTD of GE, % 89.3 88.9 86.3 1.33 0.142
DE, kcal/kg 3,458c 3,850a 3,688b 54.47 <0.001
DE, kcal/kg DM 4,053 4,023 4,044 59.00 0.886
ME, kcal/kg 3,371 3,479 3,293 63.35 0.128
ME, kcal/kg DM 3,952a 3,636b 3,611b 68.16 0.005

1Data are least square means of 8 observations.

a–cMeans within a row lacking a common superscript letter are different (P < 0.05).