Training material |
A customized CHC Training Manual |
4 |
CBEHPP Manuals were available and used |
4 |
Training manual developed/approved by MoH |
4 |
Manual available and used |
4 |
A tool kit of culturally appropriate visual aids |
4 |
Appropriate visual aids available/well used |
4 |
Sub total |
12 |
12 |
Trainers |
Sufficient NGO Project staff to support EHOs |
4 |
Not sufficient - only one dedicated PO for district |
2 |
District leadership to ensure full local support |
4 |
Mayor & District Health Officer removed from post |
1 |
EHOs to mentor CHC Facilitators |
4 |
Only 6 EHOs to supervise CHC facilitators |
2 |
Politically enabling environment |
4 |
Minister & Head MoH disabled CBEHPP |
0 |
The CHC Facilitators are Village Health Workers |
4 |
No public health personnel facilitated CHC |
2 |
All CHC facilitators get a 5-day training |
4 |
High turnover/30% had to be retrained in situ |
3 |
Sub total |
24 |
10 |
Transport |
EHOs to have motorbikes |
4 |
Motorbikes provided but after the training in Year 2 |
1 |
Project staff to have dedicated vehicle |
4 |
No vehicle/motorbikes used on dangerous roads |
1 |
VHWs to have bicycles |
4 |
Supplied but not appropriate as hilly terrain |
4 |
Sub total |
12 |
6 |
Training |
Size of CHC: at least 70 members |
4 |
32 CHCs (64%) reached > 70 members |
3 |
Coverage: 80% of village HHs in CHC in Y.1. |
4 |
12 CHCs (24%) reached 80% coverage in Y1 |
2 |
All CHC sessions are participatory |
4 |
Condensed sessions, so less participatory |
3 |
Only one key message and one homework |
4 |
Many messages and multiple homework |
3 |
Model Home Competitions held end of training |
4 |
Few competitions were held during intervention |
0 |
CHC Membership Cards used / signed |
4 |
CHC membership cards were used and signed |
4 |
Certificates given at Graduation Ceremony |
4 |
Only 50% of CHC held Graduations |
2 |
Club venues permanent demonstration sites |
4 |
Very few venues permanent or had demonstrations |
0 |
Sub total |
32 |
17 |
Timing |
Training is conducted during the dry season |
4 |
All training conducted in the rainy season |
0 |
Six months continuous weekly training |
4 |
Only 4–5 months available for training |
2 |
24 health sessions meeting once a week |
4 |
Only 4 CHC (8%) held > 20 sessions (mean of 15) |
2 |
2 h for each session provided |
4 |
At least two hours if more than one topic was done |
3 |
Only one topic is done per session |
4 |
On average 2 topics done per session |
2 |
Sub Total |
20 |
9 |
Total possible Score |
100 |
Total Score |
54 |