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. 2019 Dec 7;37(1):501–511. doi: 10.1007/s12325-019-01156-5

Table 3.

Anchored MAIC of apalutamide and enzalutamide

Apalutamide vs. enzalutamide MAIC-weighteda
HR (95% Crl) P(HR < 1) (%)
Metastasis-free survival
 PROSPER definition (112-day cutoff)b 0.91 (0.68; 1.22) 73.6
 SPARTAN definition 0.97 (0.72; 1.29) 59.6
Overall survival 0.77 (0.46; 1.30) 83.5

HR hazard ratio, CrI credible interval, MAIC matching-adjusted indirect comparison

aSPARTAN patients were matched to PROSPER patients on the following variables: age, PSA and PSA doubling time at baseline, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, total Gleason score, use of bone-targeting agents, and history of surgical prostate cancer procedures at baseline

bFor this analysis, any events occurring after 112 days after treatment discontinuation were censored