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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Neurol. 2019 Dec 27;87(2):217–232. doi: 10.1002/ana.25660

Table 1. Summarized clinical findings.

F: female; M: male; m: months; y: years; UK: unknown; NA: non applicable; NH: neonatal hypotonia; DMM: Delayed motor milestones; RF: respiratory failure; WCB: wheelchair-bound; CPAP: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure; DCM: Dilated cardiomyopathy; LVEF: Left ventricular ejection fraction; FH: follicular hyperkeratosis; LL: lower limbs; #Proband BOS1248–1 in The Manton Center for Orphan Disease Research database.

Family Patient Gender Family A III.2 F Family B III.1, M III.2, F Family C# III.7 M Family D II.2 M Family E II.4 M Family F (Davignon et al, 2016) 1F, 3M
TRIP4 Pathogenic variant c.141_142delAT (p.Tyr48fs*3) homozygous c.534C>G (p. His178Gln) + c.1544_1547del ACTG (p.Asp515fs*34) c.1065delC (p.Ile356fs*6) homozygous c.55_56insCT (p.Gln19fs*47) + c.1197delA (p.Ser399fs*12) Homozygous deletion of exons 8 and 9 c.890G>A (p.Trp297*) homozygous
First signs Hypotonia, DMM DMM (gait acquisition) in both siblings Waddling gait and fatigability in III.2 NH, respiratory distress, feeding difficulties NH, DMM Difficulty running, poor sports performance (adolescence) NH, Respiratory distress (n=3), feeding difficulties (n=3)
Best motor performance Present age (9y): waddling gait, climb stairs, bipodal jump, starts to run Present age (22y,III.1) and 16y (III.2): waddling gait, climb stairs NA Present age (35y): independent ambulation (short distances) Adulthood: independent ambulation, climb stairs Supported indoors ambulation in mildest patient until 11y
Evolution of motor performance Improving Stable NA Stable Stable WCB before adulthood
Scoliosis Yes (early childhood) Yes (early childhood) No Yes (early childhood) + Arthrodesis at 16y No Progressive scoliosis and arthrodesis in 3
Rigid spine No Yes in III.2 No Yes Yes Yes (n=2)
Respiratory involvement Respiratory infections since 7m. Nocturnal non-invasive ventilation since age 3y Restrictive RF since childhood. Latest FVC 60% (III.1, 22y) and 52% (III.2, 18y). No assisted ventilation. From birth. Neonatal respiratory distress needing tracheostomy and ventilation. Died from RF at 8m Restrictive RF. Nocturnal non-invasive ventilation since 18y. Latest FVC 35% (35y) Latest FVC 80% (63y). Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome treated by CPAP From birth (n=3) and from 2y(n=1). Ventilation in the 1st year of life in 3 and from 11y in the mildest
Cardiac involvement No No No No DCM (LVEF 25%) in the 5th decade DCM in the 3rd decade (n=1)
Joint contractures Yes (Achilles) No No Yes (elbows, achilles). Joint hyperlaxity LL Yes (elbow, mild) Yes (n=2); Hyperlaxity (n=4)
Skin involvement No No Yes (hyperelasticity) Yes (hyperelasticity, FH) Yes (xerosis, FH) Yes (hyperelasticity, xerosis, FH)
Dysmorphic features Flat face, retrognathia No Flat face, prominent venous markings, tapering fingers Elongated face, low-set ears, retrognathia. Flat thorax, pectus excavatum. Flat face, retrognathia. Flat thorax, pectus excavatum. Flat face (n=2), flat thorax (n=3), funnel thorax (n=1), pectus excavatum (n=2), valgus feet (n=2), high arched palate (n=1)
Other features Underweight (<P3) Learning and writing Difficulties Right-eye keratoconus (III.1)

Underweight (<P4) (III.2)
Severe ophthalmoplegia Underweight (<P3). Myopia Mild ophthalmo-paresis. Myopia LL lipodystrophy (n=2), learning difficulties (n=2), language delay(n=1), testicular ectopia and delayed puberty (n=1)