a. The graph displays the percentage of visits where at least one medication change was recalled by the patient. Case patient visits with only non-pharmacogenomically-influenced (traditional) medication changes were combined with control medication change visits for statistical analysis. This combined group was then compared to all visits with at least one pharmacogenomically-influenced medication change. The “n” value represents the number of visits analyzed in each group. Pharmacogenomically-influenced medication changes were more often recalled compared to all non-pharmacogenomically-influenced medication changes (case traditional and control medication changes) (OR=3.3 [1.6–6.7], p=0.001).
b. A subset of case patients in the study had at least one pharmacogenomically-influenced medication change visit and at least one separate non-pharmacogenomically-influenced (traditional) medication change visit. Medication change recall was examined for these patients’ visits. The “n” value represents the number of visits analyzed in each group. Pharmacogenomically-influenced medication changes were significantly more often recalled compared to non-pharmacogenomically-influenced medication changes (OR=3.4 [1.2–9.3], p=0.02).