Variable |
Odds Ratio |
95% Conf. Interval |
Odds Ratio |
95% Conf. Interval |
Rural (Urban Ref.) |
1.38* |
1.05–1.79 |
1.13 |
0.85–1.49 |
Lives in State without Medicaid Expansion |
2.09*** |
1.82–2.41 |
1.93*** |
1.69–2.26 |
Race/Ethnicity (Non-Hispanic Whites Infant Households Ref.) |
Hispanic Infant Households |
1.79*** |
1.65–1.96 |
2.13*** |
1.95–2.34 |
Black Infant Households |
1.07* |
1.00–1.14 |
1.08 |
0.99–1.15 |
Asian Infant Households |
0.68*** |
0.63–0.72 |
0.66*** |
0.62–0.70 |
Native American Infant Households |
1.86*** |
1.68–2.05 |
1.87*** |
1.70–2.07 |
Other Infant Households |
0.95 |
0.89–1.01 |
0.99 |
0.92–1.06 |
Marital Status (Married Ref.) |
Separated, Divorced, or Widow |
1.80*** |
1.65–1.96 |
1.80*** |
1.58–2.06 |
Never Married |
1.41*** |
1.37–1.45 |
1.41*** |
1.38–1.45 |
Age |
1.00 |
1.00–1.01 |
1.00 |
1.00–1.01 |
Number of Children |
1.00 |
0.94–1.04 |
0.99 |
0.94–1.05 |
Number of Adults in Household |
1.01 |
0.39–0.99 |
1.01 |
0.99–1.03 |
Education |
Some College or More (High School or Less Ref.) |
0.60*** |
0.47–0.75 |
0.59*** |
0.47–0.75 |
Poor English (Speaks English Well or Better Ref.) |
1.93*** |
1.76–2.11 |
1.96*** |
1.80–2.13 |
Not a U.S Citizen |
2.98*** |
2.39–3.73 |
2.99*** |
2.38–3.76 |
Mother Employed |
0.93*** |
0.91–0.95 |
0.93*** |
0.91–0.94 |
Total Household Income (in 1K $USD) |
0.97*** |
0.97–0.97 |
0.97*** |
0.97–0.97 |
Lives in State without Medicaid Expansion X Rural |
1.47*** |
1.40–1.55 |
Lives in State without Medicaid Expansion X Hispanic |
0.71*** |
0.67–0.79 |