Table 2. Landmarks used in the present study.
Number | Name | Definition | Module |
1 | Prostion (pr) | The most anterior point on the alveolar ridge of the maxilla between the central incisors in the median sagittal plane. | Viscerocranium |
2 | Nasospinale (ns) | The lowest point of the lower border of the piriform aperture, projected into the median sagittal plane. | Viscerocranium |
3 | Nasion (n) | Crossing point of the frontonasal suture with the median sagittal. | Viscerocranium |
4 | Glabella (g) | Most anterior point, in the mediansagittal, betwen the superciliary arches | Neurocranium |
5 | Bregma (b) | The point at which the sagittal suture meets the coronal suture. | Neurocranium |
6 | Lambda (l) | The point at which the two parts of the lambdoidal suture meet the sagittal suture. | Neurocranium |
7 | Inion (i) | The point in the median sagittal plane, in which the two superior nuchal lines join. | Neurocranium |
8 | Opistion (o) | The point at which the posterior border of the foramen magnum is cut by the medial sagittal plane. | Neurocranium |
9 | Basion (ba) | The point at which the anterior margin of the foramen magnum is cross by the median sagittal plane. | Neurocranium |
10 | Sphenobasion (sphba) | Intersection of the sphenooccipitalsynchondrosis with the median sagittal plane. | Neurocranium |
11,18 | Zygomaxillare (rzm) | Lowest point of the right zygomaticomaxillary suture | Viscerocranium |
12, 19 | Zygoorbitale (rzo) | Upper point of the right zygomaticomaxillary suture. | Viscerocranium |
13, 20 | Frontomalare orbitale (rfmo) | The only point on the lateral right orbital rim, at which it is cross by the frontozygomatic suture. | Viscerocranium |
14, 21 | Auriculare (rau) | The point that is perpendicular to the center of the right porus acusticus externus located on the zygomatic root. | Neurocranium |
15, 22 | Entomion (ren) | The point at which the right squamous suture passes into the right parietomastoidea suture. | Neurocranium |
16, 23 | Asterion (rast) | The point at which the right lambdoidea, occipitomastoid and parieto-mastoid the sutures meet. | Neurocranium |
17, 24 | Mastoideale (rms) | The most inferior point of the right mastoid process. | Neurocranium |
25, 29 | Krotaphion (rk) | The posterior point of the right sphenoparietalis suture | Neurocranium |
26, 30 | Sphenion (rsphn) | The anterior point of the rigth sphenoparietalis suture | Neurocranium |
27, 31 | Stephanion (rst) | The point where the coronal suture meets the right temporal line | Neurocranium |
28 | Obelion (ob) | The point between a transverse line connecting the two parietal foramina and the sagittal suture. | Neurocranium |
Number, name, definition, and location of the landmarks used for carrying out the geometric morphometrics workflow.