A, There is no difference in the localization of total GABAAR puncta in proximal dendrite. B, GABAAR localize on dendritic surface (representative punctum pointed by red arrowheads) at DIV14. Regions without GABAAR puncta on dendritic surface are marked by white arrowheads. Surface GABAAR, wildtype, n=19:4 (# neurons:# mice); Arfgef1fs/+ n=23:7. Total GABAAR, wildtype, n=19:4; Arfgef1fs/+, n=23:7. All scale bars, 10 μm. C, At DIV14, synaptic GABAAR puncta (white arrowheads) on the dendritic surface are fewer on Arfgef1fs/+ dendrite. wildtype, n=19:4; Arfgef1fs/+, n=12:4. All scale bars, 10 μm. D, E, Graphs show quantification of the dendritic surface GABAAR density and total GABAAR density in dendrite. F, Graph shows the synaptic GABAAR density and total synapse density on dendritic surface. Density is defined as punctum number per dendritic length in μm.