(A) RT-PCR analysis of PRMT1 mRNA level during Xenopus tropicalis embryogenesis. PRMT1 mRNA levels were normalized against that of the control gene ornithine decarboxylase. PRMT1 mRNA levels rose slightly until end of embryogenesis at stage 35, the tailbud stage when hatching begins. It then dropped to lower levels by stage 45 (about 4 day old), when tadpole feeding begins.
(B) PRMT1 protein is absent in PRMT1 homozygous tadpoles. Proteins were extracted from whole body of 12-day-old wild type and PRMT1 homozygous tadpoles. Western blot analysis was performed to determine the protein levels of PRMT1 and histone H4 (loading control). Lane 3 shows the protein sample from wild type intestine at stage 62 as a positive control.
(C) TALEN-induced PRMT1 mutation results in reduced PRMT1 mRNA level in tadpoles. Total RNA was isolated from the intestine of wild type, and PRMT1 heterozygous and homozygous knockout tadpoles at 10 days of age and used for real-time RT-PCR analysis of PRMT1 expression. The mRNA levels were normalized against that of rpl8. The groups included 4 wild, 5 PRMT1 heterozygous, and 5 PRMT1 homozygous animals. These results were plotted with the mean, marked as a line, and SE. Different lower-case letters denote statistically significant differences (P < 0.01) as determined by Bonfferoni comparison test.