(A) PRMT1 KO tadpoles have drastically reduced cell proliferation on the cornea. Sections from region 1 (see Fig. 6B) of wild type ( a, b) and PRMT1 knockout (c, d) tadpoles were stained for EdU to detect proliferating cells. The dotted lines depict the eye region, drawn based on morphological differences in the pictures of the stained tissues, under enhanced contrast and/or brightness by using Photoshop, if needed. EdU, red-color (a, c) and Hoechst, blue-color (b, d). C: cornea, L: lens.
(B) PRMT1 KO tadpoles have drastically reduced cell proliferation in the liver and intestine. Sections from region 2 (see Fig. 6B) of wild type ( a, b) and PRMT1 knockout (c, d) tadpoles were stained for EdU to detect proliferating cells. EdU, red-color (a, c) and Hoechst, blue-color (b, d). L: liver, In: intestine. At least 3 tadpoles were analyzed for all genotypes. Bars: 100 μm. At least three different animals and three sections from each animal were analyzed. The similar results were obtained from at least two different batches of tadpoles.