Table 2.
Recent study of exogenous mitochondrial transplantation in CNS disease or injury
Disease or injury model of animal | Source of mitochondria | Number, dose of mitochondria or number of MSCs | Recipient | Route of transplantation | Localization of mitochondria | Outcome | Reference |
SCI (rats) | PC12 cell/rat skeltal muscle (allograft) | 50–150 μg | Spinal cord | DI | Macrophages, endothelial cells, pericytes, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes | Improve OCR, no improvement in long term motor and sensory functions | [16] |
SZ (rats) | Human lymphocyte/rat brain (heterograft/allograft) | 100 μg | Brain (prefrontal cortex) | DI | Cortical neurons | Prevented dissipation in mitochondrial membrane potential and attentional deficit | [50] |
PD (rats) | PC12 (human osteosarcoma cybrids) | 1.05 μg | Brain neurons | DI | Pep-1-mediated cell-penetrating mitochondrial delivery | Improve locomotive activity and attenuate deterioration of dopaminergic neurons | [8] |
PD (mice) | HepG2 | 0.5 mg/kg | Multiple tissues including brain | i.v. injection | Not discussed | Improved behavior test, ATP, increased ETC activity, decreased ROS formation, apoptosis and necrosis | [54] |
I/R brain injury (mice) | Mouse cortical astrocytes | 1,000 | Peri-infarct cortex | DI | Cortical neurons | Localization of mitochondria in neuron | [20] |
I/R brain injury (rats) | BHK cells | 75 μg, 750 μg | Brain | DI/intra femoral artery injection | Neuron, astrocyte and microglia in peri-infarct area of the ischemic hemisphere | Improve motor function, decrease infarct area and cell death | [23] |
I/R brain injury (rats) | Pectoralis major muscle (autologous) | 5×106 | Brain | ICV injection | Neurons around the ischemic penumbra | Decrease infarct volume, neurological deficits, cellular oxidative stress, apoptosis, and gliosis, promote neurogenesis | [73] |
I/R brain injury (rats) | Rat MSCs (allograft) | 5×105 MSCs | Brain | IA injection | Peri-infarct area | Improved microvasculature, mitochondria function in peri-infarct area and infarct volume and functional recovery | [36] |
CNS; central nervous system, MSCs; mesenchymal stroma cells, SCI; spinal cord injury, PC12; pheochromocytoma cell line, DI; direct injection, OCR; oxygen consumptions rate, SZ; Schizophrenia, PD; Parkinson's disease, i.v., intravenous; HepG2; hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, ATP; adenosine triphosphate, ETC; electron transfer chain, ROS; reactive oxygen species, I/R; Ischemic reperfusion, BHK; baby hamster kidney fibroblasts, ICV; intracerebroventricular, IA; intra-arterial.