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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Exp Neurol. 2019 Nov 14;324:113114. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2019.113114

Table 2.

Recent study of exogenous mitochondrial transplantation in CNS disease or injury

Disease or injury model of animal Source of mitochondria Number, dose of mitochondria or number of MSCs Recipient Route of transplantation Localization of mitochondria Outcome Reference
SCI (rats) PC12 cell/rat skeltal muscle (allograft) 50–150 μg Spinal cord DI Macrophages, endothelial cells, pericytes, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes Improve OCR, no improvement in long term motor and sensory functions [16]
SZ (rats) Human lymphocyte/rat brain (heterograft/allograft) 100 μg Brain (prefrontal cortex) DI Cortical neurons Prevented dissipation in mitochondrial membrane potential and attentional deficit [50]
PD (rats) PC12 (human osteosarcoma cybrids) 1.05 μg Brain neurons DI Pep-1-mediated cell-penetrating mitochondrial delivery Improve locomotive activity and attenuate deterioration of dopaminergic neurons [8]
PD (mice) HepG2 0.5 mg/kg Multiple tissues including brain i.v. injection Not discussed Improved behavior test, ATP, increased ETC activity, decreased ROS formation, apoptosis and necrosis [54]
I/R brain injury (mice) Mouse cortical astrocytes 1,000 Peri-infarct cortex DI Cortical neurons Localization of mitochondria in neuron [20]
I/R brain injury (rats) BHK cells 75 μg, 750 μg Brain DI/intra femoral artery injection Neuron, astrocyte and microglia in peri-infarct area of the ischemic hemisphere Improve motor function, decrease infarct area and cell death [23]
I/R brain injury (rats) Pectoralis major muscle (autologous) 5×106 Brain ICV injection Neurons around the ischemic penumbra Decrease infarct volume, neurological deficits, cellular oxidative stress, apoptosis, and gliosis, promote neurogenesis [73]
I/R brain injury (rats) Rat MSCs (allograft) 5×105 MSCs Brain IA injection Peri-infarct area Improved microvasculature, mitochondria function in peri-infarct area and infarct volume and functional recovery [36]

CNS; central nervous system, MSCs; mesenchymal stroma cells, SCI; spinal cord injury, PC12; pheochromocytoma cell line, DI; direct injection, OCR; oxygen consumptions rate, SZ; Schizophrenia, PD; Parkinson's disease, i.v., intravenous; HepG2; hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, ATP; adenosine triphosphate, ETC; electron transfer chain, ROS; reactive oxygen species, I/R; Ischemic reperfusion, BHK; baby hamster kidney fibroblasts, ICV; intracerebroventricular, IA; intra-arterial.