Extended Data Fig. 5. Associations between family income, lead-exposure risk, and area deprivation index.
Zero-order Spearman’s rank-order correlation matrix of parent-report household income, lead risk and its 2 subcomponents, and the area deprivation index (ADI) and its 17 subcomponents. Along the ordinate, from top to bottom, the variables refer to parent-report total annual household income (“Household Income”), the composite lead-risk score (“Lead Risk: Composite”), estimated percentage of homes at risk for lead exposure given lead-based paint (“Lead Risk: Housing”), percentage of individuals below −125 percent of the poverty level (“Lead Risk: Poverty”), the national ADI percentile (“ADI: Composite”), the percentage of the population at least 25 years old with less than 9 years of education (“ADI: % No HS”; HS = high school), the percentage of the population at least 25 years old with at least a high school diploma (“ADI: % HS Diploma”), the percentage of employed persons at least 16 years old in white-collar jobs (“ADI: % White Collar”), median family income (“ADI: Family Income”), income disparity as defined by Singh 67 (“ADI: Income Disparity”), median home value (“ADI: Home Value”), median gross rent (“ADI: Gross Rent”), median monthly mortgage (“ADI: Mortgage”), percentage of owner-occupied housing units (“ADI: % Owned Homes”), percentage of occupied housing units with at least 1 person per room (“ADI: % Crowding”), percentage of civilian labor force at least 16 years old who are unemployed (“ADI: Unemployment”), percentage of families below the poverty level (“ADI: % Poverty”), percentage of the population below 138% of the poverty threshold (“ADI: % −138 Poverty”), percentage of single-parent homes with children who are less than 18 years old (“ADI: % Single-Parent Homes”), percentage of occupied housing units with a motor vehicle (“ADI: % No Vehicle”), percentage of occupied housing units without a telephone (“ADI: % No Phone”), and the percentage of occupied housing units with complete plumbing (“ADI: % Incomplete Plumbing”). With the exception of parent-report household income (which was specific to each family), the lead-risk and ADI data had census-tract-level resolution.