a, Alignment of Trem2 reads from all mice sequenced to the Trem2 reference genome shows knockout of Trem2 gene in Trem2−/− and Trem2−/− 5XFAD mice. No reads from Trem2−/− and Trem2−/− 5XFAD mice align to Trem2 exon2. Alignment of reads from Trem2-deficient mice to Trem2 exon1 reflects early transcriptional termination due to deletion of exons 3 and 4 in the design of Trem2 knockout constructs. The presence of exon1 reads correspond to the use of 5’ sequencing in this cohort. Numbers on the left represent the total number of Trem2 reads from each sample. b, tSNE plots of snRNA-seq of 7-month-old mouse brain showing cell type specific markers identifying each cluster. n=73,419 total cells. c, Bar graphs showing median of the number of genes, median of the number of UMIs and the total number of nuclei of each sample sequenced.