Table 1.
List of symbols used in the decision-making models implemented in ChaRTr.
Parameter | Description |
x(t) | State of the decision variable at time t. |
Δt | Time step of the decision variable. |
z, sz | Starting state of the decision variable (i.e., x(0) = z), and decision-to-decision variability in starting state. sz is the range of a uniform distribution with mean (midpoint) z. |
vi, sv | Rate at which the decision variable accumulates decision-relevant information (drift rate, v) in condition i, and decision-to-decision variability in drift rate. sv is the standard deviation of a normal distribution with mean vi. |
γ(t) | Urgency signal that dynamically modulates the decision variable as a function of t. Can take different functional forms in different models. |
aupper, alower | Upper and lower response boundaries that terminate the decision process. |
aupper(t), alower(t) | Upper and lower response boundaries that vary as a function of t. |
Ter, st | Time required for stimulus encoding and motor preparation/execution (non-decision time), and decision-to-decision variability in non-decision time. st is the range of a uniform distribution with mean (midpoint) Ter. |
s | Within-decision variability in the diffusion process. Represents the standard deviation of a normal distribution. By convention, set to a fixed value to satisfy a scaling property of the model. |
E(t) | Momentary sensory evidence at time t. |
b, sb | Intercept and variability of the intercept in urgency based models with linear urgency signals. |
Normal distribution with zero mean and unit variance. | |
Uniform distribution over the interval l1 and l2. |