Fig. 7.
White matter ROIs on (a) G110 and (b) G135 FA templates. As early as G110, major white matter tracts such as corpus callosum (CC) (further divided into genu (GCC), body (BCC), and splenium (SCC)) (red, green, and blue, respectively), fornix (purple), anterior (orange) and posterior (cyan) limbs of the internal capsule (ALIC and PLIC, respectively), anterior commissure (AC) (magenta), cerebral spinal tract at the midbrain (CST) (olive green), superior cerebral peduncle (SCP), and medial cerebral peduncle (MCP) can be identified and segmented on the FA template (a). At G135, the external capsule (EC), post thalamic radiation (PTR), and cerebral peduncle (CP), can be identified and delineated on the FA template (b).