Fig. 8. Chemogenetic elevation of astrocytic cAMP induces glycogen breakdown.
a Representative images of Gs-DREADD with mCitrine (yellow) and Pink Flamindo (pseudocolor) with CNO injection (1 mg/kg, i.p.). Pink Flamindo and Gs-DREADD (rM3D) were expressed in cortical astrocytes by co-injection of the respective AAVs. Scale bars: 20 µm. b, c Time course of Pink Flamindo signal change (b). Comparison of Pink Flamindo signal shows that the effect of Gs-DREADD lasts at least 160 min (c) (n = 4 mice, one-way ANOVA, p = 0.0087: Tukey’s test,*p < 0.05). d–f Glycogen immunohistochemistry on control (GFAP-GFP) (d) and Gs-DREADD (GFAP-HA-rM3D-mCitrine) in the hippocampus (e) and in the cortex (f) fixed 120 min after CNO injection. Lower images are high magnification of the upper images. White dash lines indicate the border of virus infection. Scale bars: 500 µm (upper) and 50 µm (lower). Analysis was performed from average of individual sessions. Box plots: box range, 25–50–75% quatile; square, mean; whiskers, max–min. One-way ANOVA with Turkey’s test: c; *p < 0.05.