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. 2020 Jan 6;4(2):nzaa002. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzaa002


Descriptive statistics of the interviewed and observed households1

CSB+ w/oil CSWB w/oil SC+ RUSF Total
Reported, n 430 418 385 421 1654
 How long ration lasted the previous month*
  All month with leftovers 61 (14) 42 (10) 57 (15) 66 (16) 226 (14)
  All month without leftovers 81 (19) 54 (13) 65 (17) 168 (40) 368 (22)
  Finished before end of month 280 (65) 311 (75) 260 (68) 181 (43) 1032 (63)
  Unknown 6 (1) 7 (2) 3 (1) 6 (1) 22 (1)
 Have given the ration to others* 38 (9) 49 (12) 66 (17) 55 (13) 208 (13)
  Have given the oil to others 36 (8) 29 (7) n/a n/a 65 (8)
 What else is the ration used for*
  No other purpose 382 (89) 349 (84) 379 (98) 397 (95) 1507 (91)
  Other family meals 24 (6) 49 (12) 2 (1) 1 (0) 76 (5)
  Other purpose 23 (5) 19 (5) 4 (1) 22 (5) 68 (4)
 What else is the oil used for
  No other purpose 342 (80) 326 (78) n/a n/a 668 (79)
  Other family meals 72 (17) 74 (18) n/a n/a 146 (17)
  Other purpose 16 (4) 17 (4) n/a n/a 33 (4)
 Recipient child consumed the ration the last time it was prepared/served* 383 (91) 389 (95) 345 (94) 415 (99) 1532 (94)
 Recipient child normally consumed the ration 424 (99) 412 (99) 383 (99) 418 (99) 1637 (99)
 How much the recipient child likes the ration*
  Hates 1 (0) 2 (0) 2 (1) 3 (1) 8 (0)
  Does not like 17 (4) 23 (6) 36 (10) 11 (3) 87 (5)
  Neutral 14 (3) 6 (1) 14 (4) 11 (3) 45 (3)
  Likes 209 (49) 176 (42) 126 (34) 189 (45) 700 (43)
  Loves a lot 187 (44) 209 (50) 198 (53) 203 (49) 797 (49)
Observed, n 50 55 51 53 209
 Ration present on all 4 d2 46 (92) 27 (49) 25 (49) 28 (53) 126 (60)
  Gave the ration to other households 1 (2) 0 0 1 (4) 2 (2)
  Gave the fortified oil to other households 0 0 n/a n/a 0
  Gave the porridge to other households 0 2 (7) 0 n/a 2 (2)
  Used oil for something other than porridge preparation 18 (39) 10 (37) n/a n/a 28 (22)

Values are n (%). Percentages are out of the 1654 completed interviews—16% (318 of 1972) were not completed. CSB+ w/oil, Corn Soy Blend Plus with oil; CSWB w/oil, Corn Soy Whey Blend with oil; RUSF, ready-to-use supplementary food; SC+, Super Cereal Plus.


Percentages of households where activity was observed happening at least once over the 4 d of observation, among households where ration was present on all 4 d. Statistical significance not tested owing to low n.


P < 0.05 from Pearson's chi-square test.