Figure 1. Representative images of CD68+, CD86+ and CD206+ immunostaining in ICC.
(A–D) The representative photographs of CD68+ TAMs. (E–H) The representative photographs of CD86+ TAMs. (I–L) The representative photographs of CD206+ TAMs. Patient 67 (A, E and I) showed high immunostaining density of CD68+, CD86+ and CD206+ TAMs. Patient 202 (B, F and J) showed low immunostaining density of CD68+, CD86+ and CD206+ TAMs. Patient 12 (C, G and K) showed high immunostaining density of CD68+ and CD206+ TAMs and low immunostaining density of CD86+ TAMs. Patient 145 (D, H and L) showed high immunostaining density of CD68+ and CD86+ TAMs and low immunostaining density of CD206+ TAMs. Magnification: ×200.