Figure 3:
Changes wth age in (A) stress-free radially-cut aortic ring lengths measured on the intimal (red) and adventitial (blue) surfaces and (B) circumferential opening angle. (C) Radially-cut ring curves intima (int) inward in young TAs while in old TAs it curves adventitia (adv) inward. (D) Changes in stress-free H (red) and load-free h (blue) aortic wall thicknesses, (E) load-free radii ρint, ρadv and (F) calculated loaded aortic radii rint, radv on the intimal (red) and adventitial (blue) surfaces. Here boxes bound 25th and 75th percentiles for each age group, median and average values are marked with a line and a dot within each box, whiskers extend to the 5th and 95th percentiles, and the outliers are displayed with a + sign.