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. 2019;20(10):3077–3084. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.10.3077

Table 1.

Distribution of Demographic Variables among Study and Comparison Group in Pretest (N=120)

Demographic variables Study group
Comparison group
Univariate analysis&
‘p’ value
No. % No. %
1 Age (years)
a. 30 - 40 9 15.0 4 6.7 p=0.439 NS
b. 41 - 50 36 60.0 40 66.7
c. 51 - 60 15 25.0 16 26.7
2 Marital Status
a. Married 46 76.7 54 90.0 p=0.007**
b. Divorce 8 13.3 3 5.0
c. Widow 6 10.0 3 5.0
3 Religion
a. Hindu 30 50.0 37 61.7 p=0.809 NS
b. Christian 13 21.7 11 18.3
c. Muslim 17 28.3 12 20.0
4 Residence
a. Rural 8 13.3 13 21.7 p=0.307 NS
b. Urban 52 86.7 47 78.3
5 Educational Status
a. No formal education 3 5.0 11 18.3 p=0.196 NS
b. Primary education 2 3.3 5 8.3
c. High school 5 8.3 2 3.3
d. Higher secondary 10 16.7 8 13.3
e. Graduate & above 40 66.7 34 56.7
6 Occupation
a. Unemployed 12 20.0 15 25.0 p=0.851 NS
b. Labour 3 5.0 0 0
c. Government employee 7 11.7 5 8.3
d. Private employee 34 56.7 29 48.3
e. self employed 4 6.7 11 18.3
7 Income / month (Rs.)
a. ≤ 5000 4 6.7 4 6.7 p=0.692 NS
b. 5001 – 15000 11 18.3 12 20.0
c. 15001 – 25000 21 35.0 22 36.7
d. > 25000 24 40.0 22 36.7
8 Type of family
a. Joint family 21 35.0 14 23.3 p=0.001***
b. Nuclear family 36 60.0 37 61.7
c. Extended family 3 5.0 9 15.0
9 Size of family
a. 2-5 members 40 66.7 46 76.7 p=0.829 NS
b. 6-8 members 20 33.3 14 23.3
10 Food habits
a. Vegetarian 1 1.7 2 3.3 0.035
p=0.851 NS
b. Non-vegetarian 59 98.3 58 96.7

NS-Not significant; ** p<0.0; *** p<0.001