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. 2019;20(10):3077–3084. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.10.3077

Table 3.

Distribution of Biological Variables among Study Group in Pretest N=120

Biological variables Study group
Comparison group
Univariate analysis &
‘p’ value
No. % No. %
1. Weight (Kgs.)
a. 65-70 11 18.3 12 20.0 p=0.401 NS
b. 70.1-75 19 31.7 18 30.0
c. 75.1-80 24 40.0 21 35.0
d. 80.1-85 6 10.0 9 15.0
2. Body mass index
c. 25–29.9 27 45.0 29 48.3 p =0.622 NS
d. BMI of 30 or above 33 55.0 31 51.7
3. Haemoglobin (gms%)
a. 8-10 20 33.3 20 33.3 p =0.820 NS
b. 10.1- 12 36 60.0 38 63.3
c. 12.1-14 4 6.7 2 3.3
4. RBC (million cells/mm3)
a. 3.6-4.5 51 85.0 38 63.3 p =0.006**
b. 4.6- 5.5 9 15.0 22 36.7
5. WBC – Total count (cells/mm3)
a. 8001-10000 5 8.3 7 11.7 p =0.712 NS
b. 10001-11000 15 25.0 23 38.3
c. >11000 40 66.7 30 50.0
6. Lymphocytes (%)
a. 25.1-30 1 1.7 - - p =0.560 NS
b. 30.1-35 39 65.0 31 51.7
c. 35.1-40 20 33.3 29 48.3
7. Neutrophils (%)
a. 55.1-60 1 1.7 - - p =0.004**
b. 60.1-65 55 91.6 43 71.7
c. 65.1-70 4 6.7 17 28.3
8 Total protein (gms/dl.)
a. 5.1-6 9 15.0 8 13.3 p =0.939 NS
b. 6.1-7 45 75.0 46 76.7
c.7.1-8 6 10.0 6 10.0
9 Serum albumin (gms/dl)
a. 3.6-4.5 48 80.0 50 83.3 p =1.000 NS
b. 4.6-5.5 12 20.0 10 16.7

NS-Not significant; ** p<0.01; ss-statistically significant