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. 2019 Dec 19;20(1):45. doi: 10.3390/s20010045

Table 1.

List of notations.

Notation Description
>> Message forwarding from left to right node
ack Acknowledgment in response to RES
αf Set of free time slots
Bf Best forwarder intermediary relay node
Bf_ID Bf Identity
χ Range of speeds for nodes
C Set of member nodes in a cluster
CH¯ Set of cluster heads
CHB A randomly selected CH for clock synchronization
CHB_ID Identity of CHB
CHi_ID Identity of the ith cluster head
D Destination node
s Time slot on the frame to transmit messages
dec Acceptance/rejection field of relay service
δ Final distance between nodes
H(.) Hamming distance function
κ Direction component
μ L1-norm distance between nodes
Min(.) Minimum function
N Set of all nodes
NW A non-warning message
R Set of intermediary relay nodes
Rand(.) Random selection function
REQ Request message
RES Response message
ρ Collision probability among nodes
S Source node
SL Severity level of a warning message
SN Message type
T Local clock time of a node
validate_timer Node’s timer validation field
W A warning message